Poverty Education


Poverty: Seeing is Believing.

Poverty Simulations help the general public become aware of the stinging effects of poverty, and how it impacts families and individuals on a daily basis. This project has been instrumental in building a better understanding of poverty issues, increasing community involvement, and creating more compassion for low-income individuals.

As more community members learn the real facts about how poverty affects families, they are more apt to become viable players in the fight against poverty.

With a three hour role play session, the simulation enables middle and upper class individuals an up close and personal experience of the frustration and chaos poverty creates in the lives of those it torments.



Creating passion through education

National and international efforts are underway to increase awareness about the challenges faced by families who live in poverty. Initiatives are underway to make the general public aware of the challenges people face when trying to overcome their situation and move toward living so-called middle class lives and values. MVCAA provides high-impact educational components to maximize awareness. This year, MVCAA will hold two summits focused on elected officials, a Prosperity Summit that features community and economic development training, poverty book clubs in MVCAA’s seven-county area, as well as a variety of local poverty events.

Another educational program MVCAA offers to youth is the Reality Enrichment and Life Lessons (REALL) project. The program is an active, hands-on simulation designed to challenge youth to think critically about how choices and decisions made in adolescence may have consequences in adulthood.

Participating youth are given the life of someone who has made reactive or negative choices as a teen and then given the life of someone who has made proactive or positive choices as a teen.  Youth are challenged to live those two lives and compare and contrast the experiences to draw conclusions in their own lives.


Ending Poverty through Education dispels myths and educates people at various levels of influence, power and income to:

  • Gain a better understanding of poverty issues.
  • Increase community involvement, accept more responsibility to provide resources.
  • Provide low-income assistance and establish more inclusive attitudes.
  • Challenge exploitation, laws, policies, regulations and “rules” that force people to stay in poverty.


For more information contact the Community Outreach Specialist at your local Family Resource Center.