Cut Heating and Cooling Costs.
The Weatherization program is administered by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources/Division of Energy. This program, sponsored by MVCAA, is a free service for homeowners and/or renters who qualify.
Weatherization crews insulate and air seal your home to make it more energy efficient. Crews also inspect households to ensure the occupants’ safety, checking indoor air quality, combustion safety, carbon monoxide. Weatherizing can make a home warmer during the winter and cooler during the summer, in return saving heating and cooling dollars.
Income Eligibility
2024 Program Year
(Family Size – Income Guideline)
Family Size Annual Gross Income
1 $30,120
2 $40,880
3 $51,640
4 $62,400
5 $73,160
6 $83,920
7 $94,680
8 $105,440
(Add $10,280 for each additional person)
Applications are accepted year-round. Contact our office with any questions at 660-886-7476 ext. 1600.
Contact your local Family Resource Center for an appointment. (Walk-in applications are not accepted.)
Required Documents
- Social Security Cards for everyone in the home
- Heating & Electric bills – only one each
- Income – previous 3 consecutive months for everyone in the home who is 18 years and older (SEE Below)
- Proof of Ownership (SEE Below)
ACCEPTABLE INCOME – All that apply
- Pay stubs – previous 3 consecutive months (if applying in August MUST provide all of May, June & July)
- Current Year Social Security Award Letter
- TANF (print out from FSD)
- Retirement Pensions
- Federal Form 1040 Tax Return – ONLY if self employed
- Child Support (print out from FSD)
- Zero Income Statement – for everyone who is 18 and older reporting no income (one per person)
Proof of Ownership – ONLY ONE IS NEEDED
- Deed (MUST be recorded at your local county’s courthouse)
- Previous Year Paid Real Estate Tax Receipt
- Current Homeowners Insurance Policy
- Current Mortgage Statement
- If Mobile Home – Missouri Certificate of Title (in applicant’s name)